Archive for the ‘Microsoft Excel 2007’ Category

Automating Excel 2007 in C++ by Importing the Excel 2007 Type Library

July 21st, 2009

When I started trying to write automations for Excel 2007 using C++, I ran into problems right up front. I was trying to use #import to get to the type library for Excel 2007, and was importing what I thought was the correct file. The following was written for a C++ application in Visual Studio 2008 (VS2008), automating Excel 2007.
» More: Automating Excel 2007 in C++ by Importing the Excel 2007 Type Library

Access Microsoft Excel 2007 COM API through Microsoft Active Accessibility

July 15th, 2009

A couple days ago I showed you how to access the Microsoft Word 2007 COM API through Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA). Today, I’m going to switch it up just a little bit, and use the same method to access the Microsoft Excel 2007 COM API. Again, we’ll be using AccesssibleObjectFromWindow to get at the main Excel::Window object. From that object, you can obtain the Excel Application, and Excel Workbook objects. Some documentation from Microsoft can be found here.

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A trip into the depths of Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) through C++

July 10th, 2009

Over the next few months, I will be interacting with Microsoft Access, Word, and Excel 2007 through Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) in C++. As my journey progresses, I will be posting the neat little tricks and painful quirks that I run into along the way. To start, here are a few resources you can use to read up on Microsoft Active Accessibility.

» More: A trip into the depths of Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) through C++