Access Microsoft Excel 2007 COM API through Microsoft Active Accessibility

July 15, 2009 12 comments »

A couple days ago I showed you how to access the Microsoft Word 2007 COM API through Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA). Today, I’m going to switch it up just a little bit, and use the same method to access the Microsoft Excel 2007 COM API. Again, we’ll be using AccesssibleObjectFromWindow to get at the main Excel::Window object. From that object, you can obtain the Excel Application, and Excel Workbook objects. Some documentation from Microsoft can be found here.

» Read more: Access Microsoft Excel 2007 COM API through Microsoft Active Accessibility

Getting the COM object from HWND using AccessibleObjectFromWindow in Microsoft Word 2007

July 14, 2009 1 comment »

After spending some time on this over the past few days, and sorting through the spotty documentation provided by Microsoft on Accessibility, I was able to get a handle on the COM object in Microsoft Word 2007.  It turns out to be pretty simple, and is actually in the documentation they provide here, but they don’t make it clear as day.  I intend to do that here.

» Read more: Getting the COM object from HWND using AccessibleObjectFromWindow in Microsoft Word 2007

A trip into the depths of Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) through C++

July 10, 2009 No comments »

Over the next few months, I will be interacting with Microsoft Access, Word, and Excel 2007 through Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) in C++. As my journey progresses, I will be posting the neat little tricks and painful quirks that I run into along the way. To start, here are a few resources you can use to read up on Microsoft Active Accessibility.

» Read more: A trip into the depths of Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) through C++